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How to be an “A” School: Summative / Benchmark Data

Midyear (and spring) benchmarks give teachers opportunities to evaluate student mastery of OAS Objectives taught so far. One of the ways to ensure a valid measure of your students’ performance is to take a benchmarked content grade on the B and A2 summative assessments.

Here’s how to give a semester grade, extra points, or a reward for correct answers on OAS objectives taught:

  1. Check your Pacing Calendar for this semester or go online to the Objective Accountability Graph to list the objectives assessed by formative quiz.
  2. Conduct a class review or small-group remediation on these OAS Objectives.
  3. Access Summative B Objective Lists here (CLICK HERE FOR PDFs) to find the summative B question numbers by OAS Objective.
  4. When starting the test, tell students the question numbers for each OAS Objective taught that will count as a grade. This helps students understand that all such tests assess more than what they have been taught this year and some of what they are yet to learn. You just want them to do their best so you can also!

The purpose is to ensure the data can inform your instructional and intervention decisions going forward. … Note: Alpha Plus summative tests can be retaken, if needed, to get a more accurate picture.

After the summative has been administered, use the data.

  • Student scores by objective taught are in the Classroom List Report under “Benchmark Percent Score.”
  • Access the Standards at Risk report for drop-down lists of students who need small-group or individual tutoring based on OAS Objective performance.
  • The “Review” function becomes available in the tests list online after a summative is administered to a class. You can use the B questions in classroom discussion of distractors and answers missed, for intervention sessions, and/or to review for A2 in March.

Thank you for your support. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. - Jan Barrick, CEO



At Alpha Plus, WE are THANKFUL for YOU!

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We hope you will enjoy some of our Facilitators’ snapshots from this semester in the social media or on our website at