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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Alpha Plus Facilitators

rocky mt

Our biggest asset - our fantastic facilitators who work tirelessly to support our Alpha Plus partner schools like Rocky Mountain School.

From Alicia Ketcher, Rocky Mountains Public Schools Superintendent:

Rocky Mountain is proud to partner with Alpha Plus. Our teachers and students are benefiting from curriculum that is developed by  Oklahoma Educators using Oklahoma Standards.

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FREE Vocabulary Posters


Mangum teachers LOVE our vocabulary posters!

Go Tigers!!

Pictured below: 4 Mangum teachers are holding the 3rd and 4th grade-specific vocabulary posters.

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The Alpha Plus Model: Measured Results


At Alpha Plus, we believe in using DATA to help schools, teachers and students be successful.

In the words of noted mathematician, Kari Pearson:

"That which is measured improves."

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El Reno Tribune's Article About 2 of Our Partner Schools

El Reno Tribune crop

Thanks El Reno Tribune for the great story this week on our partner schools in Canadian County.

Calumet Elementary School received an A and Darlington Elementary received a B in the latest school report card!

We've clipped it from the newspaper and "pasted" it below. You can click on it to view an enlargement.

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Why Achille Public Schools Partner with Alpha Plus


Why Alpha Plus? Achille Public School Superintendent, Rick Beene explains why:

"We partnered with Alpha Plus nine years ago when our test scores were very low.

We now have good grades and our Achille High School has had all A Grades since 2013.

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